How's Abouts Some Friend Tellin?

About Frequency

The Discovery of Frequency and It’s Healing Powers

First a Little Background

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was a German physicist who first conclusively proved the existence of the electromagnetic waves theorized by James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light. This was the beginning of frequency and the research that followed.

Nikola Tesla After Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity and Thomas Edison created the light bulb, Nikola Tesla discovered how to light a city. He discovered how to use Alternating Current (AC) instead of Direct Current (DC) to transmit electricity over long distances and to power AC electric motors.  This discovery was monumental because no one had been able to harness AC power to run large electric motors.

He then discovered that a specific set of frequencies could be broadcast through the air around us, the same way we broadcast cell phone calls, radio and television signals today and affect only the target it was intended for.  Specific sets of frequencies are now used in the AO Scan to identify specific cells in your body.

Royal Rife discovered that specific RF frequencies, when broadcast through a plasma tube towards the body, would only affect the microbes that resonated that exact frequency. And that when that frequency hit that microbe, that it would destroy that specific microbe and have absolutely no effect on anything else.

This revolutionary breakthrough stood on the shoulders of Nikola Tesla’s use of specific frequencies.  This began the process of isolating frequencies and matching them to healing.  Royal Rife created the “Rife Machine” which could transmit specific frequencies to specific parts of the body.  This process was of course trial and error and required the machine to be manually set to a specific frequency.

I’ve Got A Vibe For That!

Now, Enter the AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer It is a combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia and the USA. Most if not all this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that realized that everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequencies.

Biophysicists in Russians pioneered the work of identifying specific frequencies in the human body and amassed a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person.

Medical researchers in Germany found that the health of an organ, tissue, system or cell structure within the body can be determined by passing micro current frequencies through the body and measuring the current’s resistance.

General healing tones are widely used today beginning with 528Hz being the most used with 432Hz as a close second.  Other notable healing frequencies are 396Hz, 417Hz, 444Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, and 852,Hz.  These Wholetones are available from Michael Tyrrell.

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is designed and built upon these technologies utilizing today’s technology to make the processes faster, more accurate.  The algorithms used by the AO Scan are sophisticated enough to measure the specific frequency of a cell, compare it to its data base, and send a group optimizing frequency to return the cell to health.

To demonstrate this resonant principal, one tuning fork can be struck and the frequency tone will be transmitted to a tuning fork of the exact frequency. If the first tuning fork struck is of a different frequency, it will have no effect on the second.

This is a simple example of how the AO Scan Technology sends matching frequencies by algorithm to the targeted cells in your body.

It is clear that sound frequency is the future of medicine and the maintenance 

of great health, vitality and a longer happier life.